Resen Refillery is 27 years in the making. We are all on a journey, and mine started with motherhood. I wanted a better world for my kids, and for me that started with simplicity. All of the things we need are right there in nature - without the plastic, without the extra processing, without the excess - and all the waste and toxins that come with it. When we care about the planet, we care about ourselves. From the food we eat, to the beauty products we use, and the plastic packaging almost everything comes in - every choice we make, makes a difference. As consumers and humans, we CAN make a difference. But it’s not always easy. Change is hard. There isn’t always access to the things that make sustainability possible. After many years of taking small steps, I decided that it was time for me to do what I could to support the cause I believe in so much - Living Sustainably. To provide access, make it a little easier, talk with all of you about my journey, and hear about yours. Each of our small changes, can add up to big change. For our kids, our grandkids. For the bees supporting our food supply, the sea life, the wildlife losing habitat that keep our ecosystems in balance. We might think we don’t matter as consumers - but we do. And we CAN live simply, save money, and create meaningful change, while maintaining the convenience we all need in this busy world.